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- From: mathew@mantis.co.uk (mathew)
- Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.atheism.moderated,news.answers
- Subject: Alt.Atheism FAQ: Introduction to Atheism
- Summary: Please read this file before posting to alt.atheism
- Keywords: FAQ, atheism
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- Date: 16 Dec 92 11:05:23 GMT
- Expires: Sat, 16 Jan 1993 11:05:23 GMT
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- Archive-name: atheism/introduction
- Alt-atheism-archive-name: introduction
- Last-modified: 11 December 1992
- Version: 1.0
- An Introduction to Atheism
- by mathew <mathew@mantis.co.uk>
- This article attempts to provide a general introduction to atheism. Whilst I
- have tried to be as neutral as possible regarding contentious issues, you
- should always remember that this document represents only one viewpoint. I
- would encourage you to read widely and draw your own conclusions; some
- relevant books are listed in a companion article.
- To provide a sense of cohesion and progression, I have presented this article
- as an imaginary conversation between an atheist and a theist. All the
- questions asked by the imaginary theist are questions which have been cropped
- up repeatedly on alt.atheism since the newsgroup was created. Some other
- frequently asked questions are answered in a companion article.
- Please note that this article is arguably slanted towards answering questions
- posed from a Christian viewpoint. This is because the FAQ files reflect
- questions which have actually been asked, and it is predominantly Christians
- who proselytize on alt.atheism.
- So when I talk of religion, I am talking primarily about religions such as
- Christianity, Judaism and Islam, which involve some sort of superhuman divine
- being. Much of the discussion will apply to other religions, but some of it
- may not.
- "What is atheism?"
- Atheism is characterized by an absence of belief in the existence of God.
- Some atheists go further, and believe that God does not exist. The former is
- often referred to as the "weak atheist" position, and the latter as "strong
- atheism".
- It is important to note the difference between these two positions. "Weak
- atheism" is simple scepticism; disbelief in the existence of God. "Strong
- atheism" is a positive assertion that God does not exist. Please do not
- fall into the trap of assuming that all atheists are "strong atheists".
- Some atheists believe in the non-existence of all Gods; others limit their
- atheism to specific Gods, such as the Christian God, rather than making
- flat-out denials.
- "But isn't disbelieving in God the same thing as believing he doesn't exist?"
- Definitely not. Disbelief in a proposition means that one does not believe
- it to be true. Not believing that something is true is not equivalent to
- believing that it is false; one may simply have no idea whether it is true or
- not. Which brings us to agnosticism.
- "What is agnosticism then?"
- The term 'agnosticism' was coined by Professor Huxley at a meeting of the
- Metaphysical Society in 1876. He defined an agnostic as someone who
- disclaimed ("strong") atheism and believed that the ultimate origin of things
- must be some cause unknown and unknowable.
- Thus an agnostic is someone who believes that we do not and cannot know for
- sure whether God exists.
- Words are slippery things, and language is inexact. Beware of assuming that
- you can work out someone's philosophical point of view simply from the fact
- that she calls herself an atheist or an agnostic. For example, many people
- use agnosticism to mean "weak atheism", and use the word "atheism" only when
- referring to "strong atheism".
- Beware also that because the word "atheist" has so many shades of meaning, it
- is very difficult to generalize about atheists. About all you can say for
- sure is that atheists don't believe in God. For example, it certainly isn't
- the case that all atheists believe that science is the best way to find out
- about the universe.
- "So what is the philosophical justification or basis for atheism?"
- There are many philosophical justifications for atheism. To find out why a
- particular person chooses to be an atheist, it's best to ask her.
- Many atheists feel that the idea of God as presented by the major religions
- is essentially self-contradictory, and that it is logically impossible that
- such a God could exist. Others are atheists through scepticism, because they
- see no evidence that God exists.
- "But isn't it impossible to prove the non-existence of something?"
- There are many counter-examples to such a statement. For example, it is
- quite simple to prove that there does not exist a prime number larger than
- all other prime numbers. Of course, this deals with well-defined objects
- obeying well-defined rules. Whether Gods or universes are similarly
- well-defined is a matter for debate.
- However, assuming for the moment that the existence of a God is not provably
- impossible, there are still subtle reasons for assuming the non-existence of
- God. If we assume that something does not exist, it is always possible to
- show that this assumption is invalid by finding a single counter-example.
- If on the other hand we assume that something does exist, and if the thing in
- question is not provably impossible, showing that the assumption is invalid
- may require an exhaustive search of all possible places where such a thing
- might be found, to show that it isn't there. Such an exhaustive search is
- often impractical or impossible. There is no such problem with largest
- primes, because we can prove that they don't exist.
- Therefore it is generally accepted that we must assume things do not exist
- unless we have evidence that they do. Even theists follow this rule most of
- the time; they don't believe in unicorns, even though they can't conclusively
- prove that no unicorns exist anywhere.
- To assume that God exists is to make an assumption which probably cannot be
- tested. We cannot make an exhaustive search of everywhere God might be to
- prove that he doesn't exist anywhere. So the sceptical atheist assumes by
- default that God does not exist, since that is an assumption we can test.
- Those who profess strong atheism usually do not claim that no sort of God
- exists; instead, they generally restrict their claims so as to cover
- varieties of God described by followers of various religions. So whilst it
- may be impossible to prove conclusively that no God exists, it may be
- possible to prove that (say) a God as described by a particular religious
- book does not exist. It may even be possible to prove that no God described
- by any present-day religion exists.
- In practice, believing that no God described by any religion exists is very
- close to believing that no God exists. However, it is sufficiently different
- that counter-arguments based on the impossibility of disproving every kind of
- God are not really applicable.
- "But what if God is essentially non-detectable?"
- If God interacts with our universe in any way, the effects of his interaction
- must be measurable. Hence his interaction with our universe must be
- detectable.
- If God is essentially non-detectable, it must therefore be the case that he
- does not interact with our universe in any way. Many atheists would argue
- that if God does not interact with our universe at all, it is of no
- importance whether he exists or not.
- If the Bible is to be believed, God was easily detectable by the Israelites.
- Surely he should still be detectable today?
- "OK, you may think there's a philosophical justification for atheism, but
- isn't it still a religious belief?"
- One of the most common pastimes in philosophical discussion is "the
- redefinition game". The cynical view of this game is as follows:
- Person A begins by making a contentious statement. When person B points out
- that it can't be true, person A gradually re-defines the words he used in the
- statement until he arrives at something person B is prepared to accept. He
- then records the statement, along with the fact that person B has agreed to
- it, and continues. Eventually A uses the statement as an "agreed fact", but
- uses his original definitions of all the words in it rather than the obscure
- redefinitions originally needed to get B to agree to it. Rather than be seen
- to be apparently inconsistent, B will tend to play along.
- The point of this digression is that the answer to the question "Isn't
- atheism a religious belief?" depends crucially upon what is meant by
- "religious". "Religion" is generally characterized by belief in a superhuman
- controlling power -- especially in some sort of God -- and by faith and
- worship.
- [ It's worth pointing out in passing that some varieties of Buddhism are not
- "religion" according to such a definition. ]
- Atheism is certainly not a belief in any sort of superhuman power, nor is it
- categorized by worship in any meaningful sense. Widening the definition of
- "religious" to encompass atheism tends to result in many other aspects of
- human behaviour suddenly becoming classed as "religious" as well -- such as
- science, politics, and watching TV.
- "OK, so it's not a religion. But surely belief in atheism (or science) is
- still just an act of faith, like religion is?"
- Firstly, it's not entirely clear that sceptical atheism is something one
- actually believes in.
- Secondly, it is necessary to adopt a number of core beliefs or assumptions to
- make some sort of sense out of the sensory data we experience. Most atheists
- try to adopt as few core beliefs as possible; and even those are subject to
- questioning if experience throws them into doubt.
- Science has a number of core assumptions. For example, it is generally
- assumed that the laws of physics are the same for all observers. These are
- the sort of core assumptions atheists make. If such basic ideas are called
- "acts of faith", then almost everything we know must be said to be based on
- acts of faith, and the term loses its meaning.
- Faith is more often used to refer to complete, certain belief in something.
- According to such a definition, atheism and science are certainly not acts of
- faith. Of course, individual atheists or scientists can be as dogmatic as
- religious followers when claiming that something is "certain". This is not a
- general tendency, however; there are many atheists who would be reluctant to
- state with certainty that the universe exists.
- Faith is also used to refer to belief without supporting evidence or proof.
- Sceptical atheism certainly doesn't fit that definition, as sceptical atheism
- has no beliefs. Strong atheism is closer, but still doesn't really match, as
- even the most dogmatic atheist will tend to refer to experimental data (or
- the lack of it) when asserting that God does not exist.
- "If atheism is not religious, surely it's anti-religious?"
- It is an unfortunate human tendency to label everyone as either "for" or
- "against", "friend" or "enemy". The truth is not so clear-cut.
- Atheism is the position that runs logically counter to theism; in that sense,
- it can be said to be "anti-religion". However, when religious believers
- speak of atheists being "anti-religious" they usually mean that the atheists
- have some sort of antipathy or hatred towards theists.
- This categorization of atheists as hostile towards religion is quite unfair.
- Atheist attitudes towards theists in fact cover a broad spectrum.
- Most atheists take a "live and let live" attitude. Unless questioned, they
- will not usually mention their atheism, except perhaps to close friends. Of
- course, this may be in part because atheism is not "socially acceptable" in
- many countries.
- A few atheists are quite anti-religious, and may even try to "convert" others
- when possible. Historically, such anti-religious atheists have made little
- impact on society outside the Eastern Bloc countries.
- (To digress slightly: the Soviet Union was originally dedicated to separation
- of church and state, just like the USA. Soviet citizens were legally free to
- worship as they wished. The institution of "state atheism" came about when
- Stalin took control of the Soviet Union and tried to destroy the churches in
- order to gain complete power over the population.)
- Some atheists are quite vocal about their beliefs, but only where they see
- religion encroaching on matters which are not its business -- for example,
- the government of the USA. Such individuals are usually concerned that
- church and state should remain separate.
- "But if you don't allow religion to have a say in the running of the state,
- surely that's the same as state atheism?"
- The principle of the separation of church and state is that the state shall
- not legislate concerning matters of religious belief. In particular, it
- means not only that the state cannot promote one religion at the expense of
- another, but also that it cannot promote any belief which is religious in
- nature.
- Religions can still have a say in discussion of purely secular matters. For
- example, religious believers have historically been responsible for
- encouraging many political reforms. Even today, many organizations
- campaigning for an increase in spending on foreign aid are founded as
- religious campaigns. So long as they campaign concerning secular matters,
- and so long as they do not discriminate on religious grounds, most atheists
- are quite happy to see them have their say.
- "What about prayer in schools? If there's no God, why do you care if people
- pray?"
- Because people who do pray are voters and lawmakers, and tend to do things
- that those who don't pray can't just ignore. Also, Christian prayer in
- schools is intimidating to non-Christians, even if they are told that they
- need not join in. The diversity of religious and non-religious belief means
- that it is impossible to formulate a meaningful prayer that will be
- acceptable to all those present at any public event.
- Also, non-prayers tend to have friends and family who pray. It is reasonable
- to care about friends and family wasting their time, even without other
- motives.
- "You mentioned Christians who campaign for increased foreign aid. What about
- atheists? Why aren't there any atheist charities or hospitals? Don't
- atheists object to the religious charities?"
- There are many charities without religious purpose that atheists can
- contribute to. Some atheists contribute to religious charities as well, for
- the sake of the practical good they do. Some atheists even do voluntary work
- for charities founded on a theistic basis.
- Most atheists seem to feel that atheism isn't worth shouting about in
- connection with charity. To them, atheism is just a simple, obvious everyday
- matter, and so is charity. Many feel that it's somewhat cheap, not to say
- self-righteous, to use simple charity as an excuse to plug a particular set
- of religious beliefs.
- To "weak" atheists, building a hospital to say "I do not believe in God" is a
- rather strange idea; it's rather like holding a party to say "Today is not my
- birthday". Why the fuss? Atheism is rarely evangelical.
- "You said atheism isn't anti-religious. But is it perhaps a backlash against
- one's upbringing, a way of rebelling?"
- Perhaps it is, for some. But many people have parents who do not attempt to
- force any religious (or atheist) ideas upon them, and many of those people
- choose to call themselves atheists.
- It's also doubtless the case that some religious people chose religion as a
- backlash against an atheist upbringing, as a way of being different. On the
- other hand, many people choose religion as a way of conforming to the
- expectations of others.
- On the whole, we can't conclude much about whether atheism or religion are
- backlash or conformism.
- "How do atheists differ from religious people?"
- They don't believe in God. That's all there is to it.
- Atheists may listen to heavy metal -- backwards, even -- or they may prefer a
- Verdi Requiem, even if they know the words. They may wear Hawaiian shirts,
- they may dress all in black, they may even wear orange robes. (Many
- Buddhists lack a belief in any sort of God.) Some atheists even carry a copy
- of the Bible around -- for arguing against, of course!
- Whoever you are, the chances are you have met several atheists without
- realising it. Atheists are usually unexceptional in behaviour and
- appearance.
- "Unexceptional? But aren't atheists less moral than religious people?"
- That depends. If you define morality as obedience to God, then of course
- atheists are less moral as they don't obey any God. But usually when one
- talks of morality, one talks of what is acceptable ("right") and unacceptable
- ("wrong") behaviour within society.
- Humans are social animals, and to be maximally successful they must
- co-operate with each other. This is a good enough reason to discourage most
- atheists from "anti-social" or "immoral" behaviour, purely for the purposes
- of self-preservation.
- Many atheists behave in a "moral" or "compassionate" way simply because they
- feel a natural tendency to empathize with other humans. So why do they care
- what happens to others? They don't know, they simply are that way.
- Naturally, there are some people who behave "immorally" and try to use
- atheism to justify their actions. However, there are equally many people who
- behave "immorally" and then try to use religious beliefs to justify their
- actions. For example:
- "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Jesus Christ
- came into the world to save sinners... But for that very reason, I was
- shown mercy so that in me... Jesus Christ might display His unlimited
- patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive
- eternal life. Now to the king eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God,
- be honor and glory forever and ever."
- The above quote is from a statement made to the court on February 17th 1992
- by Jeffrey Dahmer, the notorious cannibal serial killer of Milwaukee,
- Wisconsin. It seems that for every atheist mass-murderer, there is a
- religious mass-murderer. But what of more trivial morality?
- A survey conducted by the Roper Organization found that behavior
- deteriorated after "born again" experiences. While only 4% of respondents
- said they had driven intoxicated before being "born again," 12% had done
- so after conversion. Similarly, 5% had used illegal drugs before
- conversion, 9% after. Two percent admitted to engaging in illicit sex
- before salvation; 5% after.
- ["Freethought Today", September 1991, p. 12.]
- So it seems that at best, religion does not have a monopoly on moral
- behaviour.
- "Is there such a thing as atheist morality?"
- If you mean "Is there such a thing as morality for atheists?", then the
- answer is yes, as explained above. Many atheists have ideas about morality
- which are at least as strong as those held by religious people.
- If you mean "Does atheism have a characteristic moral code?", then the answer
- is no. Atheism by itself does not imply anything much about how a person
- will behave. Most atheists follow many of the same "moral rules" as theists,
- but for different reasons. Atheists view morality as something created by
- humans, according to the way humans feel the world 'ought' to work, rather
- than seeing it as a set of rules decreed by a supernatural being.
- "Then aren't atheists just theists who are denying God?"
- A study by the Freedom From Religion Foundation found that over 90% of the
- atheists who responded became atheists because religion did not work for
- them. They had found that religious beliefs were fundamentally incompatible
- with what they observed around them.
- Atheists are not unbelievers through ignorance or denial; they are
- unbelievers through choice. The vast majority of them have spent time
- studying one or more religions, sometimes in very great depth. They have
- made a careful and considered decision to reject religious beliefs.
- "But don't atheists want to believe in God?"
- Atheists live their lives as though there is nobody watching over them. Many
- of them have no desire to be watched over, no matter how good-natured the
- "Big Brother" figure might be.
- Some atheists would like to be able to believe in God -- but so what? Should
- one believe things merely because one wants them to be true? The risks of
- such an approach should be obvious. Atheists often decide that wanting to
- believe something is not enough; there must be evidence for the belief.
- "But of course atheists see no evidence for the existence of God -- they are
- unwilling in their souls to see!"
- Many, if not most atheists were previously religious. As has been explained
- above, the vast majority have seriously considered the possibility that God
- exists. Many atheists have spent time in prayer trying to reach God.
- Of course, it is true that some atheists lack an open mind; but assuming that
- all atheists are biased and insincere is offensive and closed-minded.
- Comments such as "Of course God is there, you just aren't looking properly"
- are likely to be viewed as patronizing.
- Certainly, if you wish to engage in philosophical debate with atheists it is
- vital that you give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are
- being sincere if they say that they have searched for God. If you are not
- willing to believe that they are basically telling the truth, debate is
- futile.
- "Isn't the whole of life completely pointless to an atheist?"
- Many atheists live a purposeful life. They decide what they think gives
- meaning to life, and they pursue those goals. They try to make their lives
- count, not by wishing for eternal life, but by having an influence on other
- people who will live on. For example, an atheist may dedicate his life to
- political reform, in the hope of leaving his mark on history.
- It is a natural human tendency to look for "meaning" or "purpose" in random
- events. However, it is by no means obvious that "life" is the sort of thing
- that has a "meaning".
- To put it another way, not everything which looks like a question is actually
- a sensible thing to ask. Some atheists believe that asking "What is the
- meaning of life?" is as silly as asking "What is the meaning of a cup of
- coffee?". They believe that life has no purpose or meaning, it just is.
- "So how do atheists find comfort in time of danger?"
- There are many ways of obtaining comfort; from family, friends, or even pets.
- Or on a less spiritual level, from food or drink or TV.
- That may sound rather an empty and vulnerable way to face danger, but so
- what? Should individuals believe in things because they are comforting, or
- should they face reality no matter how harsh it might be?
- In the end, it's a decision for the individual concerned. Most atheists are
- unable to believe something they would not otherwise believe merely because
- it makes them feel comfortable. They put truth before comfort, and consider
- that if searching for truth sometimes makes them feel unhappy, that's just
- hard luck.
- "Don't atheists worry that they might suddenly be shown to be wrong?"
- The short answer is "No, do you?"
- Many atheists have been atheists for years. They have encountered many
- arguments and much supposed evidence for the existence of God, but they have
- found all of it to be invalid or inconclusive.
- Thousands of years of religious belief haven't resulted in any good proof of
- the existence of God. Atheists therefore tend to feel that they are unlikely
- to be proved wrong in the immediate future, and they stop worrying about it.
- "So why should theists question their beliefs? Don't the same arguments
- apply?"
- No, because the assertions being questioned are not similar. Weak atheism is
- the sceptical "default position" to take; it asserts nothing. Strong atheism
- is a negative assertion. Theism is a very strong positive assertion.
- Atheists sometimes also argue that theists should question their beliefs
- because of the very real harm they can cause -- not just to the believers,
- but to everyone else.
- "What sort of harm?"
- Religion represents a huge financial and work burden on mankind. It's not
- just a matter of religious believers wasting their money on church buildings;
- think of all the time and effort spent building churches, praying, and so on.
- Imagine how that effort could be better spent.
- Many theists believe in miracle healing. There have been plenty of instances
- of ill people being "healed" by a priest, ceasing to take the medicines
- prescribed to them by doctors, and dying as a result. Some theists have died
- because they have refused blood transfusions on religious grounds.
- It is arguable that the Catholic Church's opposition to birth control -- and
- condoms in particular -- is increasing the problem of overpopulation in many
- third-world countries and contributing to the spread of AIDS world-wide.
- Religious believers have been known to murder their children rather than
- allow their children to become atheists or marry someone of a different
- religion.
- "Those weren't REAL believers. They just claimed to be believers as some
- sort of excuse."
- What makes a real believer? There are so many One True Religions it's hard
- to tell. Look at Christianity: there are many competing groups, all
- convinced that they are the only true Christians. Sometimes they even fight
- and kill each other. How is an atheist supposed to decide who's a REAL
- Christian and who isn't, when even the major Christian churches like the
- Catholic Church and the Church of England can't decide amongst themselves?
- In the end, most atheists take a pragmatic view, and decide that anyone who
- calls himself a Christian, and uses Christian belief or dogma to justify his
- actions, should be considered a Christian. Maybe some of those Christians
- are just perverting Christian teaching for their own ends -- but surely if
- the Bible can be so readily used to support un-Christian acts it can't be
- much of a moral code? If the Bible is the word of God, why couldn't he have
- made it less easy to misinterpret? And how do you know that your beliefs
- aren't a perversion of what your God intended?
- If there is no single unambiguous interpretation of the Bible, then why
- should an atheist take one interpretation over another just on your say-so?
- Sorry, but if someone claims that he believes in Jesus and that he murdered
- others because Jesus and the Bible told him to do so, we must call him a
- Christian.
- "Obviously those extreme sorts of beliefs should be questioned. But since
- nobody has ever proved that God does not exist, it must be very unlikely
- that more basic religious beliefs, shared by all faiths, are nonsense."
- That does not hold, because as was pointed out at the start of this dialogue,
- positive assertions concerning the existence of entities are inherently much
- harder to disprove than negative ones. Nobody has ever proved that unicorns
- don't exist, but that doesn't make it unlikely that they are myths.
- It is therefore much more valid to hold a negative assertion by default than
- it is to hold a positive assertion by default. Of course, "weak" atheists
- would argue that asserting nothing is better still.
- "Well, if atheism's so great, why are there so many theists?"
- Unfortunately, the popularity of a belief has little to do with how "correct"
- it is, or whether it "works"; consider how many people believe in astrology,
- graphology, and other pseudo-sciences.
- Many atheists feel that it is simply a human weakness to want to believe in
- gods. Certainly in many primitive human societies, religion allows the
- people to deal with phenomena that they do not adequately understand.
- Of course, there's more to religion than that. In the industrialized world,
- we find people believing in religious explanations of phenomena even when
- there are perfectly adequate natural explanations. Religion may have started
- as a means of attempting to explain the world, but nowadays it serves other
- purposes as well.
- "But so many cultures have developed religions. Surely that must say
- something?"
- Not really. Most religions are only superficially similar; for example, it's
- worth remembering that religions such as Buddhism and Taoism lack any sort of
- concept of God in the Christian sense.
- Of course, most religions are quick to denounce competing religions, so it's
- rather odd to use one religion to try and justify another.
- "What about all the famous scientists and philosophers who have concluded
- that God exists?"
- For every scientist or philosopher who believes in a god, there is one who
- does not. Besides, as has already been pointed out, the truth of a belief is
- not determined by how many people believe it. Also, it is important to
- realise that atheists do not view famous scientists or philosophers in the
- same way that theists view their religious leaders.
- A famous scientist is only human; she may be an expert in some fields, but
- when she talks about other matters her words carry no special weight. Many
- respected scientists have made themselves look foolish by speaking on
- subjects which lie outside their fields of expertise.
- "So are you really saying that widespread belief in religion indicates
- nothing?"
- Not entirely. It certainly indicates that the religion in question has
- properties which have helped it so spread so far.
- The theory of memetics talks of "memes" -- sets of ideas which can propagate
- themselves between human minds, by analogy with genes. Some atheists view
- religions as sets of particularly successful parasitic memes, which spread by
- encouraging their hosts to convert others. Some memes avoid destruction by
- discouraging believers from questioning doctrine, or by using peer pressure
- to keep one-time believers from admitting that they were mistaken. Some
- religious memes even encourage their hosts to destroy hosts controlled by
- other memes.
- Of course, in the memetic view there is no particular virtue associated with
- successful propagation of a meme. Religion is not a good thing because of
- the number of people who believe it, any more than a disease is a good thing
- because of the number of people who have caught it.
- "Even if religion is not entirely true, at least it puts across important
- messages. What are the fundamental messages of atheism?"
- There are many important ideas atheists promote. The following are just a
- few of them; don't be surprised to see ideas which are also present in some
- religions.
- There is more to moral behaviour than mindlessly following rules.
- Be especially sceptical of positive claims.
- If you want your life to have some sort of meaning, it's up to you to
- find it.
- Search for what is true, even if it makes you uncomfortable.
- Make the most of your life, as it's probably the only one you'll have.
- It's no good relying on some external power to change you; you must change
- yourself.
- Just because something's popular doesn't mean it's good.
- If you must assume something, assume something it's easy to test.
- Don't believe things just because you want them to be true.
- and finally (and most importantly):
- All beliefs should be open to question.
- Thanks for taking the time to read this article.
- mathew
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